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Links About Wobbelin

There's multiple accounts of the camps at Wobbelin near Ludwiglust, Germany. The 82nd and 101st divisions were among those that were there around the days it was liberated just prior to V-E Day. The camp was originally built to house American & British POWs. Constructed in September 1944, just months before the end of the war, it began as Reiherhorst. Once the original building was complete it became the slave labor barracks for the construction of the rest of the Wobbelin complex. The finished camp was of "decent construction" compared to some as it had electricity and basements in some buildings, but when used for the purposes they were used for, those features didn't have much value. Reiherhorst continued as a labor camp mostly for female prisoners that were kept busy sewing nazi flags and other propaganda. These living conditions were slightly better than Wobbelin since those bunks were made of wood rather than barbed wire that was found at some of the Wobbelin beds. 

This above information and much more can be found at the various links below containing different accounts and facts about the horrors associated with this, just one of the many, Nazi concentration camps.

Remembering the liberation of Wöbbelin - US Army History of Wobbelin

Wobbelin | Holocaust Encyclopedia 

The role of the 82nd and 101st Airborne at Wobbelin


KZ-Gedenkstatte Neuengamme  

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